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Business Information Management: Data Essentials (BUS1400

Business Information Management: Data Essentials (BUS1400

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Quick Overview

Now that you have the basics of business down from the previous course, it’s time to become better acquainted with the application of information management in business. Learn about professional conduct, teamwork, and managerial skills, while also examining careers in business technology. The basics of word processing, spreadsheets, databases, and presentation software are also explored so that you become better prepared for jobs in this field.
Teacher-Led Course (one-time payment)   $450.00

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Now that you have the basics of business down from the previous course, it’s time to become better acquainted with the application of information management in business. Learn about professional conduct, teamwork, and managerial skills, while also examining careers in business technology. The basics of word processing, spreadsheets, databases, and presentation software are also explored so that you become better prepared for jobs in this field.

This course requires the following household materials:

· Microsoft Office 2019, or an Office 365 Subscription

Unit 1: Workplace Communication and Business

Communicating with others is a cornerstone of life. Be it chatting to friends, arguing with parents, or even listening to music, it’s all communication, but there’s more to communication than words. Being conscious of what and how you communicate with others is never more important than it is in the workplace, and this includes how you speak, how you behave, and more.

Unit 2: Communicating by Email

In spite of the ceaseless rise in popularity of social media networks, email remains a staple of communication. In other words, as far as business is concerned, there really is no communicating without email, and there won’t be for a long time. Because of this, it’s important to know how to “do it right.” Knowing how to write good emails is a necessity when working for a business. This means that you must be able to communicate clearly and take advantage of the tools available to optimize your use of email at work.

Unit 3: Word Documents in Business Communication

When it comes to communication, the written word is one of the strongest assets we have. Business communication and private communication alike strongly depend on us knowing what to write and how to write it. However, nowadays that comes with a caveat. Since people tend to prefer electronic communication to hand-written letters, they require some tech skills along with an ability to write. Word processing software, cloud storage, and shared documents—it’s a package deal now.

Unit 4: Communicating Using Spreadsheets

Communication comes in many different forms, and not all of them are spoken—you can even use spreadsheets to communicate. In business, exchanging files is, of course, commonplace, and spreadsheets form a big part of that exchange. They are a convenient way to collect, track, and report data, and because of this, they are used to carry out a wide variety of tasks, from creating charts to reporting budgets. Information can be shared in many different ways, and the rows and columns of spreadsheets are a popular choice.

Unit 5: Creating and Using Databases in Business

Data comes in many forms, of course, and one of the easiest ways to store data in bulk is to collect it in a database. In essence, databases are tables in which information is stored in rows and columns that group together similar or identical pieces of information or duplicates to make it easier to view. Databases are just about everywhere: they exist behind the scenes on websites, and they even form part of the software that makes your phone work!

Unit 6: Communicating Using Slide Presentations

While you could be forgiven for thinking of communication as primarily being something that occurs between two individuals, this is not always the case. It can also take place between one person and a group, which often occurs when a person delivers a presentation, or something like a talk delivered at a conference. Teachers usually teach to groups, too. Regardless of who the participants are, however, there are tools available to make this type of communication easier for everyone to follow, and that is exactly what we will cover in this unit.

Unit 7: Careers, Businesses, and Organizations

Just when you think you know it all, there’s more. In addition to learning how to use business tools, there are a few more things you need to know in order to really succeed in a business environment—that is, skills that are a little harder to pick up because there isn’t exactly a tutorial for them. Sure, you know spreadsheets, but there’s a tutorial for that. You can take a course to learn about spreadsheets and databases. But what do you know about working on a team? How well do manage your time? These skills are some of the “more” you need to know about. They represent different skills than the kind we’ve discussed so far, but that doesn’t mean you can’t acquire them. We’ll teach you some of the most important ones in this unit.

Unit 8: The Future of Business Technology

It’s pretty difficult to deny that technology is the future. New innovations and inventions hit the market nearly every day, and while a lot of them have little if any use for you, and many don’t even have a future in the marketplace, the trend to find new solutions to old problems via the use of technology is strong. Simplifying tasks, be they personal or business-related, is something that we as a species will continue to strive towards, so you as a student should do your best to keep up with the trends!

Final Exam

Additional Information

Course Length 4 Weeks
Prerequisites N/A
Course Materials No
Course Start Date

Courses Taught by a K12 Teacher

Courses with a teacher have designated start dates throughout Fall, Spring, and Summer. Full-year courses last 10 months and semester courses last 4 months. Courses are taught by teachers in K12 International Academy. For details on start dates, click here.

Teacher Assisted Yes, this course is taught by a K12 International Academy teacher. If you are looking for a teacher-supported option with additional flexibility and year-round start dates, click here to learn about the Keystone School, another K12 online private schooling option.
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To use this course, you'll need a computer with an Internet connection.  Some courses require additional free software programs, which you can download from the Internet.

Hardware and Browsers (Minimum Recommendations)

Windows OS

  • CPU: 1.8 GHz or faster processor (or equivalent)

  • RAM: 1GB of RAM

  • Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer 9.0 or higher, Mozilla Firefox 10.0 versions or higher, Chrome 17.0 or higher

  • At this time our users are encouraged not to upgrade to Windows 10 or Edge (the new browser)


Mac OS

  • CPU: PowerPC G4 1 GHz or faster processor; Intel Core Duo 1.83 GHz or faster processor

  • RAM: 1GB of RAM

  • Browser: Firefox 10.0 versions or higher, Chrome 17.0 or higher (Safari is not supported!)

Internet Connections

It is highly recommended that a broadband connection be used instead of dial up.


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