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The main goals of the K12 Art program are to develop a lifelong interest in artistic expression and appreciation, to build knowledge of great art from various traditions, and to foster creativity. To meet these goals, key components of the program focus on:

  • Creative expression
  • Interpreting visual elements
  • Artistic heritage
  • Fostering creativity



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  1. Summit Intermediate American Art II, Semester 2 (ART06B)

    ART06 Summit Intermediate American Art II lessons include an introduction to the artists, cultures, and great works of American art and architecture from the end of the Civil War through modern times. Students will investigate paintings done in various styles, from impressionist to pop; learn about modern sculpture and folk art; discover how photographers and painters have inspired one another; examine examples of modern architecture, from skyscrapers to art museums; and create artworks inspired by works they learn about.

    From: $450.00

  2. AP® Environmental Science Semester 2

    The course provides students with the scientific principles, concepts, and methodologies required to understand the interrelationships of the natural world. The course draws upon various disciplines, including geology, biology, environmental studies, environmental science, chemistry, and geography in order to explore a variety of environmental topics. Topics explored include natural systems on Earth; biogeochemical cycles; the nature of matter and energy; the flow of matter and energy through living systems; populations; communities; ecosystems; ecological pyramids; renewable and nonrenewable resources; land use; biodiversity; pollution; conservation; sustainability; and human impacts on the environment. AP Environmental Science prepares students for the AP exam and for further study in science, health sciences, or engineering.

    The AP Environmental Science course provides a learning experience focused on allowing students to develop their critical thinking skills and cognitive strategies. Scientific inquiry skills are embedded in the direct instruction, wherein students learn to ask scientific questions, deconstruct claims, form and test hypotheses, and use logic and evidence to draw conclusions about the concepts.

    Students perform hands-on labs and projects that give them insight into the nature of science and help them understand environmental concepts, as well as how evidence can be obtained to support those concepts. Virtual lab activities enable students to engage in investigations that would otherwise require long periods of observation at remote locations and to explore simulations that enable environmental scientists to test predictions. During both hands-on and virtual labs, students form hypotheses; collect, analyze, and manipulate data; and report their findings and conclusions. Throughout this course, students are given an opportunity to understand how biology, earth science, and physical science are applied to the study of the environment and how technology and engineering are contributing solutions for studying and creating a sustainable biosphere.


  3. Summit Art Kindergarten

    Kindergarten students are introduced to the elements of art—line, shape, color, and more.

    From: $900.00

  4. Summit Art 4

    Following the time line of the K12 History program, fourth grade Art lessons introduce students to the artists, cultures, and great works of art and architecture from French and American Revolutions through modern times

    From: $900.00

  5. Summit Art 3

    Following the timeline of the K12 History program, third grade Art lessons introduce students to the art and architecture of the Renaissance throughout Europe, including Italy, Russia, and Northern Europe.

    From: $900.00

  6. Summit Art 2

    Following the timeline of the K12 History program, second grade Art lessons introduce students to the art and architecture of ancient Rome, medieval Europe, Islam, Mexico, Africa, China, and Japan.

    From: $900.00

  7. Summit Art 1

    Art 1 lessons include an introduction to the art and architecture of different cultures such as Mesopotamia and ancient Egypt, Greece, and China. Students will identify landscapes, still lifes, and portraits; study elements of art such as line, shape, and texture; and create art similar to the works they learn about, using many materials and techniques. For example, inspired by Vincent van Gogh’s The Starry Night, students paint their own starry landscape using bold brushstrokes, and make clay sculptures inspired by a bust of Queen Nefertiti and the Great Sphinx.

    From: $900.00

  8. Intermediate American Art II Summit (Independent Study)

    Summit Intermediate American Art II lessons include an introduction to the artists, cultures, and great works of American art and architecture from the end of the Civil War through modern times. Students will investigate paintings done in various styles, from impressionist to pop; learn about modern sculpture and folk art; discover how photographers and painters have inspired one another; examine examples of modern architecture, from skyscrapers to art museums; and create artworks inspired by works they learn about.

    From: $24.00

  9. Intermediate World Art II Summit (Independent Study)

    Summit Intermediate World Art II lessons include an introduction to the artists, cultures, and great works of world art and architecture from the Renaissance through modern times. Students will study various works of art from the Renaissance and beyond; discover great works of art and see how they influenced later artists; compare and contrast works from many civilizations, from paintings to sculpture, architecture, book covers, prints, and more; and create artworks inspired by works they learn about.

    From: $24.00

  10. Intermediate World Art I Summit (Independent Study)

    Summit Intermediate World Art I lessons include an introduction to the artists, cultures, and great works of world art and architecture from ancient through medieval times. Students will investigate how artists from different civilizations used various techniques, from painting to mosaic; examine elements of design and styles of decoration, from the spiral to the solar disk; and explore some of the best-preserved works from ancient tombs, including the treasures of Egypt

    From: $24.00

  11. Summit Art 1 (Independent Study)

    Art 1 lessons include an introduction to the art and architecture of different cultures such as Mesopotamia and ancient Egypt, Greece, and China. Students will identify landscapes, still lifes, and portraits; study elements of art such as line, shape, and texture; and create art similar to the works they learn about, using many materials and techniques. For example, inspired by Vincent van Gogh’s The Starry Night, students paint their own starry landscape using bold brushstrokes, and make clay sculptures inspired by a bust of Queen Nefertiti and the Great Sphinx.

    From: $24.00

  12. Summit Art Kindergarten (Independent Study)

    Kindergarten students are introduced to the elements of art—line, shape, color, and more.

    From: $24.00


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