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World Languages

The K12 offering in world languages helps students read, write, speak, and listen for meaning in any of five target languages (Spanish, French, German, Latin, and Chinese). Combining a variety of pedagogically refined games, simple narratives, and regular writing and speaking challenges, the World Language program highlights common vocabulary terms and phrases, introduces younger students to a wide range of grammar patterns while helping older students master numerous grammar principles, and prepares students to generate language incorporating the vocabulary and patterns they have learned. In addition, culture lessons challenge younger students to recognize different cultural manifestations while older students analyze and compare practices, products, and perspectives of various target-language speaking cultures.

Each week consists of an ongoing adventure story, new vocabulary or grammar patterns, numerous interactive games reinforcing the week's content, reading and listening comprehension activities, speaking and writing activities, multimedia cultural presentations covering major target-language speaking areas across the globe, and assessments so that students can measure their progress in proficiency through quizzes, tests, and regular speaking and writing submissions.

The course thoroughly meets all national standards as set forth by ACTFL (the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages), and follows state guidelines in covering level-appropriate standards in communication, cultures, linguistic and cultural comparisons, cross-curricular connections, and engaging with target-language speaking communities.

World Languages


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